Saturday 28 July 2012

Miso salmon with soba noodles

Fresh salmon is so delicious.

The delicate flavour and texture are so lovely simply grilled with a squeeze of lime or lemon. But salmon also works well with other flavours.

I bought this beautiful piece of salmon at the local food market, and decided to marinate it with some Japanese miso paste, bake it in the oven and serve it with some ginger and garlic soba noodles.

These simple, fresh flavours were light and so tasty. The slippery heat of the gingery noodles contrasted well with the firm salmon, with its miso crust. A squeeze of lime over the top bought the flavours together.

What you'll need

*This recipe serves six.

For the salmon
800g fresh salmon, skin on (or 6 pieces weighing approximately 100 - 150g each)
2 tbs Japanese miso paste
1 tbs water
Fresh lime to serve

For the noodles
200g soba noodles
1 tbs fresh minced ginger
1 tsp fresh mined garlic
2 tsp soy sauce
1 tbl vegetable oil
1 tsp rice wine vinegar (substitute with white vinegar).

What to do

Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

In a small bowl, mix the water with the miso to make a spreadable paste. 

Using a spoon or your hands, spread all over the salmon. Leave to sit for 10 minutes to allow the flavours to develop.

Place salmon on some baking paper in a baking tray and roast in the oven. 

I like my salmon medium-rare in the middle, so I cooked it for 20 minutes. If you prefer yours a little more cooked, adjust your cooking time accordingly. Also, if you are using pieces of salmon, it will need a shorter cooking time than a whole piece. 

While the salmon is cooking, prepare the noodles. Cook to packet instructions (boiling for about 7 minutes), then rince and drain. Place in a bowl, then mix in all the dressing ingredients. Taste the noodles and adjust the seasoning as you like. I prefer to have lots of ginger, as I really like the fresh 'burn' of this spice. Set aside in the fridge to serve with the salmon.

Once the salmon is cooked to your liking (the miso paste should darken and form a nice crust on the top of the fish), remove from the oven. Rest for a few minutes, then slice. 

To serve, place a pile of noodles on a plate, place the sliced salmon on top and some fresh lime to squeeze. You could serve with some stir-fried veges or some sliced tomato and cucumber in a soy and lime dressing.

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