Thursday 5 July 2012

Goats cheese, honey and mint.

I have a bit of a thing for goat's cheese. I love the tartness, creaminess, the flavour, the texture. I am happy to eat this cheese by itself, crumbled into salads, mushed onto fresh bread or melted into pasta. Goat's cheese in Austria is less expensive and more freely available than in Australia, which I am very grateful for, so you can usually find some in my fridge. I am very happy when I open the fridge door and see that little container of white, creamy goodness!

I was at the gym this morning. I hadn't been for a while, and had that 'jelly muscles' feeling when I got home. This is a sign that I need to eat something; I needed something quick, so I ate 'Krustenbrot' (crusty bread, which is very heavy and brown, but yummy), smushed goat's cheese, honey and fresh mint, with a hot cup of tea. My muscles are feeling much better now!

What you'll need

2 pieces of fresh bread. (Whatever kind you like, but a French baguette would be lovely.)
40g goat's cheese. (You could also use feta or brie.)
2 tsp honey
2 tsp fresh mint, chopped

* This is enough for a snack for one person.

What to do

Smush goat's cheese onto the bread. I like mine chunky so I don't smooth it down too much.

Drizzle honey over the cheese, then sprinkle over mint.

Eat immediately!

This dish could be a snack, or you could serve it as a part of a special breakfast or brunch. You could also serve this with drinks of an afternoon, however I'd make the bread pieces  so they are easier to eat with one hand.

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