Sunday 24 June 2012

Meatballs and Tunaballs

Oh I love thee.

I think that meatballs (rissoles in OZ) are the ultimate easy lunch or dinner, so great for kids (and grown-ups) and travel well for lunch boxes or picnics. Yesterday, after spending all morning watching my boy and husband at a soccer tournament, and subsequently inviting friends over for an early dinner, I was wondering what to cook. The day was hot, there was a combination of children, vegetarians, wheat intolerant and regular hungry people to feed.

Here's what we ate:

Meatballs - combination of pork and beef mince (with basil tomato sauce)
Tunaballs - with potato and herbs (with olive tomato sauce)
Polenta - great filler for non-wheat eaters (recipe to follow later)
Spaghetti - for the kids
Salad with honey roasted pumpkin and carrots (recipe to follow later).

Saturday night early dinner

What you'll need


500g mince (50/50 combination of pork and beef mince or straight pork or beef mince)
1 x packet rissole recipe base (Continental brand in Australia or Knorr fur Faschiertes in Austria)
1 egg
1/2 cup fine breadcrumbs (just in case the mix is a bit wet)

* I would not usually use a packet mix for cooking, but I have discovered the rissole/meatball recipe base is very tasty and keeps the meatballs together really well. And there are no 'nasties' in the packet mix, only herbs and binding ingredients.

If you don't want to use a packet mix, use the following:
1 egg
1 large grated onion 

2 x tbs tomato sauce
1 tsp dried herbs of your choice - parsley, basil or oregano
1/2 tsp garlic powder or same of finely diced fresh garlic
1 cup breadcrumbs
salt and pepper to taste

*This recipe will make approx 20 balls.


2 x 200g tins of tuna, drained (I used tuna in sunflower oil, but whatever you have is fine)
1 x packet rissole recipe base (Continental brand in Australia or Knorr fur Faschiertes in Austria)
1 egg
1/2 cup fine breadcrumbs (just in case the mix is a bit wet)

*Today I had a half cup of left-over potato salad in the fridge that I added to the mixture, which made a really nice contract in texture. You could add two medium cooked and roughly mashed potatoes if you like. 

*This recipe will make approx 20 balls.

What to do

Meatballs/Rissoles and Tunaballs

Prepare the mixture as per the packet instructions. Let sit in the fridge for 10 minutes, as it will make it easier to form the mixture into nice smooth balls so they stay together when cooking.

The mix should be wet, but not dripping, and not dry and crumbly. Add more breadcrumbs or a little warm water to get the consistency right.

Scoop up dessert spoon-sized portion (or smaller if you'd like) of mixture. Using wet hands, roll until you have a smooth ball.

Pop balls straight into a medium-heated frying pan, and turn once brown.

Reduce heat to low and let cook through.
This will take about 15 minutes all up depending on your stove etc.

Keep warm (and guard them as little people will want to have a taste) and serve with anything you like. Favorites in our house are with mashed potato and salad, with tomato pasta sauce and spaghetti, or with sweet chilli dipping sauce. Or you can cool the balls and store in the fridge for lunchboxes the next day or for a picnic.

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