Wednesday 27 June 2012


Today's lunch; we ate Saltzstangerl (type of small baguet with course salt and caraway seeds sprinkled on top), mozzarella, salami and thick-sliced tomato, fresh basil from our window garden and a little balsamic.

This is the favourite type of lunch for my children and for me. Fresh bread, cheese, cured meat and a little salad. Must be my Italian background! As long as there is some salad dressing that can be soaked up with bread at the end, I am really happy.

I'm not putting up a recipe for this as it is fairly self-explanatory, but just wanted to share what I ate today.


  1. This looks like a typical Maso dish! Simple, classic and oh so tasty. I cooked up a beautiful beef ragu last night that reminded me of a dinner you cooked for us and we ate on your deck at Tarragindi. We miss our Maso meals!

    1. Nevermind Smithy. I'll be back one day. Glad you are finding some cooking inspiration. Maso x
