Friday 22 June 2012

The cup of tea....

Living in Austria has opened my eyes to the wonderful benefits of the humble cup of tea.

Tea is a life philosophy, not just in Austria, but in most of Europe it seems. Herb tea, fruit tea, ice tea, medicinal tea.... I have not forgotten black tea, but I've found that very few people drink it here, unlike in Australia, where most people have Bushells or Liptons on the pantry.

My children are given fruit tea to drink at school and kindy. This is tea made from fruit and is rather sweet, but everyone seems to think it is a good idea for kids. I'm not sure myself.

Doctors and chemists prescribe tea for flu, sore throats, coughs and most other ailments. There is a huge selection of teas in many chemists here, containing all sorts of interesting ingredients. And strangely enough, they seem to work.

Herbal teas are also big business; the varieties are endless, such as sleep teas, energy teas, pregnancy teas, teas for the skin, the stomach and the digestion.

I like a simple cup of black tea, preferably English Breakfast with a little milk. It is my 'wake up' beverage in the morning. I find it soothing and relaxing. My cup of tea travels with me around the house as I am doing all those household things that need to be done. Occasionally I forget where I put it. This is followed by the shout of, "where's Mummy's tea" or "I've lost my tea again." Generally I find it, sometimes later on, cold and congealed. Sometimes hubby finds it first and just shakes his head at me for my forgetfulness.

Peppermint tea is also a favourite of mine. A hot cup of peppermint, after dinner, while reading a book is a bedtime ritual we have. Guarantees a good night's sleep! Also great if you have had a little too much dinner and are feeling a tad full.

My Mum said to me a few years ago that as a special treat, I should have a 'tea break' in the afternoon and drink a hot cup of tea from a proper tea cup (i.e not a mug). At the time, I laughed, but wouldn't you know it, I find this is something I now do, and it is special. Thanks for the advice Mum.

Here's is my cup of tea from earlier today, sipped while watching Broncos V Souths footy on the internet. I really enjoyed it - the tea and the footy.

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