Tuesday 28 August 2012

Sausage and potato tray bake

This was a little last minute dinner, very easily made, after I had been baking my birthday cake all afternoon. More on the cake later. Back to the sausages.

This dish took about 40 minutes to make, including preparation and cooking time. Preparation included opening a few packets, slicing some potatoes and turning the oven on; that's it! How simple.

What you'll need

*Serves four with a tiny bit left over for Dad's lunch the next day.

6 thick pork sausages, or 12 thin ones, sliced in half.
2 large potatoes, sliced into about 10 wedges each
1 cup cherry potatoes
1 cup small button mushrooms (if large slice them in half)
125g container mini mozzarella balls
1/2 cup green olives, seeds removed
1 tbs vegetable oil
Salt and pepper
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, roughly torn

Green salad to serve

What to do

Heat oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

On a baking tray, place the sausages and potatoes. Drizzle the oil over the top and season well with salt and pepper. Mix to coat.

Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, add the olives, mushrooms and tomatoes to the pan. Place back in the oven for another 15 minutes. Add the mozzarella balls with about five minutes left in the baking time. They will be lovely and melted when you serve this dish. And the juices from all the other ingredients combine to give a lovely 'sauce' on the bottom of the baking tray.

Remove from the oven and sprinkle over the fresh basil leaves. Serve immediately with a green salad.

I serve this in the middle of the table, so everyone can help themselves. This is a really great meal for a family dinner; yummy bits for everyone.


  1. Superb recipe - twice tested with different friends and enjoyed by all - very simple too - thumbs up!

    1. Thanks. Sometimes it is the simple combinations that work best. Natalie x
