Wednesday 22 October 2014

Broccoli with mushrooms and bacon

It is mushroom season in Europe at the moment. Due to a wetter-than-normal summer, there is a plentiful supply of many types of mushrooms.

In this recipe, I've used Eierschwammerl, a mushroom type native to central Europe, but you could use whatever mushrooms you have handy.

The Eierschwammerl have a short season, between July and October, depending on the weather. For this reason they can be expensive, unless you know where to go mushroom hunting to pick some for free. But the wonderful flavour and texture of these mushrooms is unlike anything I've ever had, so well worth the expense. A small amount of these mushrooms go a long way too as they are quite strong in flavour, but generally hold their shape quite well once cooked.

They go best in a creamy sauce for meat, game or bread dumplings (knodel). But I think this combination with broccoli and bacon is rather nice too.

What you'll need

Serves 4 as a side dish

100g Eierschwammerl, cleaned and roughly chopped (or 200g mushrooms of your choice)
3 cups broccoli florets, chopped into even-sized pieces
100g bacon/speck, finely diced
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Juice of half a lemon
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

What to do

Cook the broccoli as you like - steamed, boiled, microwave etc - until just tender, drain and set aside.

While the broccoli is cooking, heat a pan over medium heat. Add the bacon and cook for a few minutes, stirring frequently. Add the mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally for about five minutes until they have collapsed and browned a little.

Remove from the heat.  Combine the broccoli, mushrooms and bacon in a large bowl, pour over about a tablespoon of olive oil, the vinegar, lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Combine very gently using a large spoon.

Serve while warm as a side dish to meat and with a salad and crusty bread.

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