Monday 7 October 2013

Lemon curd and raspberry brioche pudding

Ok, serious dessert business here people. An absolute delight to eat, and not too difficult to make. I whipped this up while I had guests sitting at the table. It took about 10 minutes to put together, then 30 minutes in the oven. I served the dish to the table and everyone helped themselves with a good splodge of mascarpone. There were seconds eaten....speaks for itself really!

What you'll need

Serves six to eight people.

400g brioche (I used two medium-sized loaves from the supermarket)
400g lemon curd
200g fresh raspberries (or use frozen)
100g caster sugar
4 eggs
600ml pouring cream
2 teaspoon vanilla essence
Butter for greasing

Mascarpone or whipped cream to serve

What to do 

Preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Use the butter to grease a large ceramic baking dish.

Thinly slice the brioche into 1cm thick slices. Using a butter knife, generously 'butter' each slice of brioche with lemon curd on both sides. As you butter each slice, place it into the baking dish, making an overlapping pattern down one side of the dish, then the other, until the base of the baking dish is covered.

Place the cream in a saucepan and heat it gently until it is just simmering. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool a little bit. In a bowl, whisk together the eggs, vanilla and sugar. Very slowly pour the heated cream into the egg mixture, whisking constantly. Once it is well mixed, pour slowly over the brioche slices.

Once all the cream has been poured, very gently press the brioche slices down into the dish so that they soak up as much of the cream mixture as possible.

Sprinkle the raspberries evenly over the top of the brioche. Let the dish sit for five minutes before placing in the oven.

Bake for 30 minutes until the brioche is starting to brown and the cream mixture has set.

Remove from the oven and let sit for five minutes before serving to the table.

Serve warm with mascarpone, whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

1 comment:

  1. It is so delicious ... I have made it many times love it.. it is so much better than 'bread butter pudding'.
