Thursday 23 January 2014

Tuna, salmon and sweet corn burgers

This was a real 'what is in the cupboard that I can cook quickly for lunch' recipe.

I had hungry children due home in an hour and no time to run to a grocery shop. A search through the pantry cupboard revealed a tin of tuna in brine, one tin of pink salmon and a tin of sweet corn. Put all that together and you get the above - tuna, salmon and sweet corn burgers. The children had theirs as burgers on a bread roll with some lettuce and tomato. I had mine with an avocado and orange salad. Just delightful, and the leftovers went well for lunch the next day.

What you'll need

Makes about 12 burgers

200g tin tuna in brine, drained
200g tin pink salmon, drained
100g tin sweet corn, drained
2 eggs
1 small onion, grated
1 teaspoon each dried basil and oregano
1 cup dry breadcrumbs
salt and pepper
vegetable oil for pan frying

For the salad
Half a ripe avocado, peeled and sliced into 6 pieces
1 orange, peeled, seeds removed and sliced into segments
Half a small red onion, sliced into fine rings
1 handful baby spinach leaves
Your favourite salad dressing to serve

What to do

In a large bowl, place the tuna and salmon. Break up with a fork until there are no large lumps. Add all the other ingredients, and mix well with a spoon. Season well with salt and pepper. The mixture should be wet and stay in a ball if you make one with your hands. If it is too dry, add a little water or milk until you have the right consistency.

In a pan, heat about a tablespoon of vegetable oil over medium heat.

Take a tablespoon of mixture. Using wet hands, roll into a ball, and flatten slightly into a burger shape. Place carefully into the pan to cook. Repeat with the remaining mixture. Turn the burgers once golden brown (about 5 minutes) and cook on the other side. Once cooked, remove to a plate lined with kitchen towel and keep warm. *You may need to cook the burgers in two batches depending on the size of your pan.

Make the salad. In a bowl, place the spinach leaves, onion and orange segments. Pour over a little of your dressing. Mix carefully. Divide the salad between two small bowls then arrange the avocado slices on top.

Serve the burgers and salad with a squeeze of lemon and some crusty bread if you like.

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